H8 Triple Play Solution acts as the nerve centre of the network and represents a unified platform for multiple services, enabling clients to charge for their voice calls, data transfer and other services like IPTV-subscriptions or Video-on-Demand (VoD), thus effectively deploying triple-play on a single network.
As an end-to-end integrated solution-provider for high-speed broadband, IPTV and VoIP, H8 helps CSPs in the management and rollout of Triple Play services, teaming up with various technology-vendors to present the most apt customized packages of applications. We continuously collaborate with the teams of the service-providers to create a plan to manage the process, develop metrics to evaluate the outcomes, work within their policies and regulations and ensure that an efficacious strategy is developed and implemented. Through our cloud-offerings, we provide a high degree of flexibility, scalability and security from a single solution.